Monday, September 10, 2007

Welcome To Our Home Grown

You can put some imitation processed crab meat on my plate. You can try and explain to me that 'this certain type of crab from up north is juicier'. You can serve a crab cake to me any old way you want. But I know in my heart that the best shellfish in the country is from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.

I don't know about you, but I like my seafood like I like my athletes; born and raised in the great state of Maryland

The state of Maryland has a long history of success in sports. From Professional down to little league; whether it's football, basketball, soccer, or lacrosse. If you can name it, then Maryland competes, and competes well. Maryland and its proud history in sports would not be what it is without the athletes that made it possible. There is a long list of individuals would have gone on to have very successful careers in sports and have made everyone here in the 'Old Line' State very proud. The focus of this blog will be to feature those special athletes and tell you the story behind their glory. Where did they come from? Who was their inspiration growing up? How has being from Maryland made them into what they are today? I hope to share stories with my readers that share the same passion of Maryland Athletics that I do. If you have any comments or would like to be acknowledged by my blog, please post a comment or send me an e-mail at Thanks for reading!


Di Dinnis said...

First of all, I love the layout of your blog and the colors you chose. You're very good at playing with words and your blogs appeals to Marylanders, especially when you talk about crab cakes. I like this post becuase you tell us exactly what to expect in upcoming posts. I look forward to reading more.

Beatonthestreet! said...

This sounds like a very interesting topic. I love sports, but I don't know who's from Maryland or anywhere else. I had no idea Juan Dixon was from Baltimore. I am interested to see who else comes up. A little advice, add a little twist to your stories ... perhaps feature writing style. For example, in the Juan Dixon story, you could have started with a scene from one of his best games as the opener. Have fun, i'll be reading.